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Extension ,,Database of entrepreneurs"

Extension ,,Database of entrepreneurs" for SAP Business ByDesign available on SAP Store! Find out how customization works and learn about its benefits. 

Extension ,,Database of entrepreneurs"

The extension will certainly make it easier to obtain information about customers and suppliers. It will allow you to organize the most important data, and the official source of origin (Central Statistical Office) makes the information provided certain and true. With this extension, you don't have to search the entire Internet for the most important data about customers or suppliers. All you have to do is enter the NIP-ID (Taxpayer's Identification Number)  or REGON-ID (National Official Business Register) number and get all the data with one click. All this, you can save in SAP Business ByDesign and easily use in the future.

The extension for SAP Business ByDesign is available from the SAP Store.

See how the extension works

Learn more and see step by step how our extension works.

Thanks to new solution based on SAP Business ByDesign, you will find and save in your system the data of companies that interest you. The data is collected from the Central Statistical Office, so you can be sure that they are correct. 

Who will benefit from the extension?

Our extension will certainly benefit those who collect large amounts of data about consumers and suppliers. We are well aware that a large amount of information can be overwhelming, which is why the extension was created for people who want to organize all the data about customers, suppliers and companies they work with, and make it easier to find the most important contact information about new companies. Our customization is sure to make everyday work easier and allow easy access to a structured database of customers and suppliers.

Our experts are open to any wishes, requirements of customers, so if you think you need personalization for this extension - contact us, we will be happy to arrange details.
It is important to us that our product is tailored to the needs of our customers!

*Extension available in Polish and English.

About extension

Learn more about extension step by step

Database of entrepreneurs, rozszerzenie SAP Business ByDeisgn, extension SAP Business ByDesign, rozszerzenie Baza przedsiębiorców

Import company data from an official database

Importing all the information has never been so easy. Just enter the NIP (Taxpayer's Idenitification Number) or REGON (National Official Business Register) and click ,,Search" to show all the data about the company you are interested in. 

Create Business Partner

You can save all the information about a company with the "Create account/Create Business Partner" button. SAP Business ByDesign automatically generates a unique customer number. When you click on this number, you can edit all the information present there.

Database of entrepreneurs, rozszerzenie SAP Business ByDeisgn, extension SAP Business ByDesign, rozszerzenie Baza przedsiębiorców
Database of entrepreneurs, rozszerzenie SAP Business ByDeisgn, extension SAP Business ByDesign, rozszerzenie Baza przedsiębiorców

Create Supplier accounts

If you want to create a supplier click on "Create Supplier". You can do this exactly like with "Create customer". You have a unique number of your supplier, so you can distinguish between particular suppliers and others. Moreover, you can add new information or edit it at any time.


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Don’t forget to take a look at – SAP Business ByDesign – what’s new in 2023,  learn more about Tivoli.Technew extension to facilitate ,,Currency exchange”  and first partners honored in Podlachia by SAP. 
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